Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda).
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Sammukha Horā

Sammukha Rāśi are based on the South Indian Chart where a line passing through Cn-Le junction and Cp-Aq junction divides the zodiac into two parts….

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Horā V Guṇa

Guṇa: refers to the nature of signs and planets as of one of the three types – sattva, rajas or tamas. An imaginary line divides…

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Horā IV Gola

Gola: गोल (gola) refers to sphere or globe as the celestial globe or as the globe of the sun or of the earth in Sūrya…

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Samasaptaka Horā

For using the Āyana-Horā, we have a special horā chart called समसप्तक samasaptaka literally meaning neutral-seventh where the 7th bhāva is a projection of the…

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Horā III: Ayana

The Maharṣi observed two solstices’ where the length of the day (i.e. daylight duration) was the longest and shortest respectively called the summer and winter…