2 458

D4 Introduction

Turyāṁśa Śloka 9½: स्वर्क्षादिकेन्द्रपतयस्तुर्यांशेशाः क्रियादिषु। svarkṣādikendrapatayasturyāṁśeśāḥ kriyādiṣu | sva-self; rkṣa-sign; adi-others; kendra-quadrants; pati-lord; turya-fourth, fourth state of soul; aṁśa-part, division; īśa-lord; kriyā-Aries; Translation: The turyāṁśa…

3 775

Somanāth Drekkāṇa

D3-S Chart The construction (mapping) of the Somanāth drekkāṇa is similar to the parivṛtti drekkāṇa (just like the horā) but with a difference in that…

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Jagannāth Drekkāṇa

Definition The three drekkāṇa of a sign are its trines with the first in a movable sign, second in a fixed sign and third in…

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Varāhamihira Drekkāṇa

Nomenclature: from Varāhamihira Mihira Drekkana or D3-M Varāhamihira defines the horā and drekkāṇa in the opening chapter of Bṛhat Jātaka (śloka 12). We have defined…

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Kashinath Hora

Introduction Points listed by my student Sanjay Prabhakaran. These are just some starting points. Details of the D2-K Hora was taught in the Himalaya Class…