D4 Introduction
Turyāṁśa Śloka 9½: स्वर्क्षादिकेन्द्रपतयस्तुर्यांशेशाः क्रियादिषु। svarkṣādikendrapatayasturyāṁśeśāḥ kriyādiṣu | sva-self; rkṣa-sign; adi-others; kendra-quadrants; pati-lord; turya-fourth, fourth state of soul; aṁśa-part, division; īśa-lord; kriyā-Aries; Translation: The turyāṁśa…
Somanāth Drekkāṇa
D3-S Chart The construction (mapping) of the Somanāth drekkāṇa is similar to the parivṛtti drekkāṇa (just like the horā) but with a difference in that…
Jagannāth Drekkāṇa
Definition The three drekkāṇa of a sign are its trines with the first in a movable sign, second in a fixed sign and third in…
Varāhamihira Drekkāṇa
Nomenclature: from Varāhamihira Mihira Drekkana or D3-M Varāhamihira defines the horā and drekkāṇa in the opening chapter of Bṛhat Jātaka (śloka 12). We have defined…
Kashinath Hora
Introduction Points listed by my student Sanjay Prabhakaran. These are just some starting points. Details of the D2-K Hora was taught in the Himalaya Class…