Somanāth Horā
Horā II Somanāth Horā Sun-Moon Factor Previously we have noticed one major shortfall in the Parivṛtti Horā where the method of mapping did not account…
Mihira Horā
Call it Mihira Horā or Mṛtyu Horā, it’s D2M that deals with the māraka power of the 2nd house Horā IA: Mihira Horā Varāhamihira defines…
Parivṛtti Horā
Horā I Parivṛtti Horā (Vāyu) This is the simplest of the regular horā charts and is based on direct count from Aries for the 24…
Kalyāṇavermā Sārāvalī | Ch.49 Kalyāṇavermā enumerates the effects and nature of the twenty-four horā for the twelve signs when it is occupied by the Lagna….
Half Zodiac
Parāśara ṣoḍaśavargādhyāyaḥ śloka 6½ राशेरर्द्धं भवेद्धोरा ताश्चतुर्विंशतिः स्मृता। मेषादि तासां होराणां परिवृत्तिद्वयं भवेत्॥ ६॥ rāśerarddhaṁ bhaveddhorā tāścaturviṁśatiḥ smṛtā | meṣādi tāsāṁ horāṇāṁ parivṛttidvayaṁ bhavet ||…