3 521

Kendra: The Cross

The word kendra (Sanskrit. केन्द्र) means that which is the center of something like a focus. As explained earlier, the concept of kendra was derived…

1 773

Varga Concepts

This chapter of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra has many concepts used in studying the charts. We examine some of the śloka for understanding the following…

4 1234

Varga Viveka

There are certain rules which are common for all divisional charts and Parāśara summarises them in the chapter Varga Viveka. He starts by emphasising the…

2 130

Sixteen Ascendants

Study the effect of the Lagna in the sixteen divisions. What is the implication of the Lagna being in a malefic sign like Aquarius or…

2 358

Divisions of a Sign

Division refers to an orderly division of the 30 degrees of a sign into parts called Āṁśa. The charts constructed on the basis of the…