4 1009

Viṁśāṁśa Lesson-2

Lessons The one-twentieth potion of the rāśi maps to the 8<sup>th</sup> house in the second cycle and shows the path of spiritual transformation. Each viṁśāṁśa…

1 1207

Vivāha: Marriage

Vivāha is the most important part of the navāṁśa. The greatest secret of our tradition is now public knowledge – the manner in which to…

2 662


Chandrāṁśa is the navāṁśa sign of the Moon. It is an important part of bhāgya (fortune) as fortune manifests within the human society, and society…

2 618


We study the anitya bhāgya kāraka … just to recapitulate – anitya kāraka of any bhāva is the dispositor of the lord of that bhāva….

2 774

Bhagya-I Dharma

Dharma, represented by the bull (of Śiva) called Nandiśvara, has four legs. These legs are Dharma Leg Yuga Lagna Bhāva Tapaḥ (austerity) Kṛta Ākāśa Karma…